/* --- name: DropZone.HTML4 description: A DropZone module. Handles uploading using the HTML4 method license: MIT-style license authors: - Mateusz Cyrankiewicz - Juan Lago requires: [DropZone] provides: [DropZone.HTML4] ... */ DropZone.HTML4 = new Class({ Extends: DropZone, initialize: function (options) { this.setOptions(options); this.method = 'HTML4' this.activate(); }, activate: function () { // Setup some options this.options.multiple = false; this.iframe = new IFrame({ id: 'dropZoneUploadIframe', name: 'dropZoneUploadIframe', styles: { display: 'none' } }); this.parent(); this.iframe.addEvent('load', function () { //var icdb = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.body; var response = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; if (response != '') { this.isUploading = false; this.upload(); try { // substring to avoid problems in Chrome, which adds a
 object to text
					response = JSON.decode(response.substring(response.indexOf("{"), response.lastIndexOf("}") + 1), true);
				} catch(e){
				var file = this.fileList[response.key];
				var item;
				if (this.uiList && response && file) var item = this.uiList.getElement('#dropzone_item_' + file.uniqueid + '_' + file.id);
				if (this._checkResponse(response)) {
					file.uploaded = true;

					// Complete file information from server side
					file.size = response.size;
					this._itemComplete(item, file, response);
				} else {
					this._itemError(item, file, response);



		// Trigger for html file input

	upload: function () {
		if (!this.isUploading) {

			this._getForms().each(function (el, id) {

				var file = this.fileList[id];
				if (file != undefined && !this.isUploading) {
					if (file.checked && !file.uploading) {
						el.set('action', el.get('action') + '&X-File-Id=' + id);
						file.uploading = true;
						var perc = file.progress = 50;
						if (this.uiList) var item = this.uiList.getElement('#dropzone_item_' + this.fileList[id].uniqueid);
						this._itemProgress(item, perc);
						var submit = el.submit();


	_getInputFileName: function (el) {
		var pieces = el.get('value').split(/(\\|\/)/g);

		return pieces[pieces.length - 1];

	cancel: function (id, item) {
		this.parent(id, item);
	reset: function(){
		if(this.iframe) this.iframe.inject(this.hiddenContainer);
	/* Private methods */
	_newInput: function () {
		// create form
		var formcontainer = new Element('form', {
			id: 'tbxFile_' + this._countInputs(),
			name: 'frmFile_' + this._countInputs(),
			enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
			encoding: 'multipart/form-data',
			method: 'post',
			action: this.url,
			target: this.iframe.get('name')

		if (this.options.max_file_size > 0) {
			new Element('input', {
				name: 'MAX_FILE_SIZE',
				type: 'hidden',
				value: this.options.max_file_size
		// call parent
		// add interaction to input
		this.lastInput.addEvent('change', function (e) {
				name: this._getInputFileName(this.lastInput),
				type: null,
				size: null

